Left a little later this morning and arrived at the bluff area about 7:40. Quite cold at 9 degrees. Direct sunlight w/o clouds. The bluff edge was very quiet. All I could hear was the faint sound of song sparrows, White-throated sparrows and a few goldfinches in the goldenrod. Couldn't get close to the newly arrived WT and only managed a distant shot on one perched in a well-lit sumac bush. The only true warbler I saw this morning was an American Redstart juvi.
Sightings: in addition to what is mentioned above - Hummingbird x3 / Catbird x 3 / N. Flicker x 2 / Winter wren x 2 / RC Kinglet x 2 / Philadelphia vireo x 1 / Osprey circling above / Downy woodpecker / Red-bellied WP / RE vireo x 2 / Brown Creeper x 1 / Blue jays / Cardinals / Chickadees.