Red-headed woodpecker
Outdoor Ontario

Red-headed woodpecker


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The RHWP from across the street in the woodlot (this afternoon). Long way off!

N. Flicker

Starling in winter plumage


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Red-headed (juvenile) woodpecker showed up again this morning but not this afternoon, so far. Perched on the same tree too. Let's just refer to it as "the tree" from now on. It was a little closer to the ground farther down the street but as I approached a car drove by and that was the end of that. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother. Oh, now I remember ... this forum. My avatar may need to quit. The Avatars' Union is holding talks for better working conditions but I'm not anticipating a favourable resolution.


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The merlin was being taunted by blue jays in the same tree that the woodpecker visited.


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Love the woodpecker and merlin so much. I have never seen a redheaded woodpecker! Now my semester started, really stretched for time.


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I figured as much. I just imagine that you are temporarily off-world, stationed at StarBase Sirius Workload and that you will return to earth smarter than ever. We'll just suspend the whole faster-than-the-speed-of-light thing, and that the over 8 light-year trip would mean I'll be dead when you get back, this forum will be sequestered within a time capsule and buried somewhere so that the future generations you will come home to can unearth this quaint and archaic format and have a good laugh. According to Einstein, you will hardly have aged at all. You will have the last laugh. Just a thought, if a joke is travelling at the speed of light do you even have to wait for the punch line. Makes you think, doesn't it? Like, why do the Flintstones (prehistoric) celebrate Christmas? These things keep me up at night.


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Nice images!
 re: RHWP. My first encounter with the species happened at Centennial park in Humberstone/Port Colborne at Christmas December 2007. Big Oaks and Maples right beside Lake Erie. I have the images somewhere. I actually posted them on this sight but they are long gone.
Bought the Place up North because of the similar bird habitat and it has not disappointed.
Napper :)
Interesting site you should check out is
flkr...   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?