Deer with fawns in Sun Valley at Crothers Woods
Outdoor Ontario

Deer with fawns in Sun Valley at Crothers Woods

dodo · 3 · 3250


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I was jogging up the steep gravel path that goes around Sun Valley near Bayview Ave at 3:00 PM today when I saw a doe and some fawns ahead on the trail. By the time I had taken out my cellphone they had fled so I followed them across the Sun Valley field to the top of the hill while trying to take a few photos.


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Wow! I'm impressed. Impressed that you broke your rhythm from jogging to stop and smell the deer, unlike most joggers that I encounter that wouldn't stop jogging even during the event of alien abduction. You followed the deer through that dense verdure? Another wow. That looks like jungle to me ... deer meets gazelle! Well done. I bet no one ever followed them before. They may have been luring you deeper into the woods with their flashy white tails figuring that the mosquitoes will finish you off. Isn't nature grand? Except perhaps when it's in your attic. 


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When I was jogging beside the Don River on the bicycle trail today at 3:30PM  I saw a large doe and too small deer standing in the shallow water in the middle of the river just upstream from the Pottery Road bridge. I assume it was the same ones I photographed at Crowthers Woods.The young ones didn't have spotted coats any more.