Pickering bluff-side park
Outdoor Ontario

Pickering bluff-side park


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North wind last night but not a strong one.  Full sun morning.  Ventured out between 7 o'clock to 9 o'clock.  Some reasonable warbler activity present but most between 7:30 - 8:30.  There were very few varieties seen, most of the birds were either Magnolia (juveniles) or Philadelphia vireos.  Saw 1 x Am. redstart, 1 X Common yellowthroat, 1 X Palm warbler, and 1 X Bay-breasted.  I heard a Great crested FC but didn't see it.  The only flycatcher that I came across were Least, Yellow-bellied, Eastern Wood pewee and E. phoebe.

Yellow-bellied flycatcher

Palm warbler

E. Wood pewee

Magnolia warbler

Common yellowthroat

Philadelphia vireo

E. Wood pewee

Philadelphia vireo

Magnolia warbler

Philadelphia vireo