First redwings of the year in our backyard
Outdoor Ontario

First redwings of the year in our backyard

Dr. John

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Last Thursday we had an immature male in the tree above our backyard and this morning we had a mature male at our feeder.  Spring is coming.

Bird Brain

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Spring is coming.
Dr. John... I haven't seen or heard any yet but they were always a sign of Spring on the way!  Used to see the redwings from late March onwards.  This year a lot of people have been seeing them since last week!  8)
Jo-Anne :)

"If what you see by the eye doesn't please you, then close your eyes and see from the heart".


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I can hear RWBB in the woodlot across the street. I walked around Cranberry Marsh yesterday and although the perimeter meadow adjacent to the marsh was quiet there were blackbirds calling along the reeds of the southern margin. The southern half of the marsh was mostly wet mud while the northern portion was still pond-like, although perhaps not very deep. It would be a great habitat for visiting shorebirds but by the time they arrive, in late-May, everything will probably be all dried up. RWBBs are at least two weeks earlier than usual.