Tallest Indoor Christmas Tree in the World
Outdoor Ontario

Tallest Indoor Christmas Tree in the World


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Take a look at my 6-minute YouTube video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azNr7NeZg3Y

The Christmas tree in Eaton Centre is said to be the tallest indoor one in the world.  When the towering  Christmas tree is decorated with over 333,000 LED lights and through 1 million channels of pixel mapping, it is even more spectacular and special. It symbolizes the start of the winter holiday shopping season in the downtown mall. There are three sets of the light show. I have filmed two and a half. How did I miss some? I was so drawn to the lights that I forgot to record some parts. The light show will continue daily during the holiday season.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2024, 10:37:34 AM by Charline »


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 In the beginning there was probably no beginning at all, but let’s just ignore that generalization and say that in the beginning there were quarks, and they were going quark, quark, quark, or what ever quarks do when they are not being enigmatic and figuring out how to be in two places at once, or fundamentally trying to decipher what a “place” really is all about.  As is their habit, the quarks got frisky with the rest of the gang: muons, pions, gluons and all the other monks, who had their own habits.  After the party was over, which would have been the next morning, except there was no next morning yet, or calendar, or daylight-savings time, or time itself, or even a postal strike, which takes its own sweet time.  Let’s just say after the mess was cleaned-up we eventually had the atom, but they called it Egoyan because back then they were not yet on a first-name basis.  You know the chapters that came later: the molecule, the elements, the element’s handmaidens, aka the questionable substances on my dinner plate, the bar code and finally the property of unaffordability, which is relative, but not with my relatives, but maybe yours, and therefore it is not a constant, like “k”, but displays an inexorable shift to the poor end of the spectrum.

Now we have progressed to the digital age where the venerable pixel is rapidly escaping, nay pouring from the virtual universe into reality, whatever that is, and is hypnotizing every molecular assemblage that has managed to get a foot-hold on terra firma after scaling that wall that Trump insists he built, but his shoes were still clean and polished so I have my doubts, and now the pixels have taken the form of the venerable green Christmas tree, but not not a real green Christmas tree because that would be cruel, breaking up that mycelial network and all, especially so soon after discovering it, even though Trump says it’s a hoax.  So, the shoppers stand entranced, instead of shopping as their DNA commands them to do, and the Christmas tree looks like a plumb bob standing upside-down on its base and displaying a threatening hyper-ballistic configuration, yet that portent is masqueraded by friendly graphics with supercilious undertones that tell us all that pixels rule and will continue to rule long after you and I are dust.  A storm is brewing however that may even lead to pixel dust and the end of all meaning.

Other than that ... cool fake tree!  Thanks for sharing.  I hate to ask ... what did you buy?  Did you feel hypnotized by watching it?  Must be exhausting.  Get yourself a coffee ... it's on me.


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Digital coffee? Thanks.

My back pain has returned. Since I could not sit and did not want to lie down, I went for a walk in the Eaton Centre.

The Christmas tree was not the craziest thing that I saw there.

Look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4BJ_dRjtCs

I laughed so hard that I forgot about my back pain.

« Last Edit: November 18, 2024, 12:02:11 PM by Charline »


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I'm sorry to hear that your back pain has returned.  Have you tried Ketamine?  It worked for Dr. Greg House, but then there were those annoying hallucinations to deal with.  With that stuff in your system you might only imagine that you were at the Eaton's Centre.  Actually, any sedative makes pain more tolerable because it serves to change your perception of pain.  Pain is always a combination of the actual activation of the pain pathway and the brain's interpretation of the effect, which governs your long-term threshold.  It also softens the entrenchment of the pain pathway.  Once the neuronal highway is entrenched it takes more analgesia to get relief.  That's why taking an analgesic at the very commencement of pain offers more profound relief that waiting until you can't stand it anymore and then taking something to mitigate the pain.  It also reduces the likelihood of taking too much of a painkiller because you think that it's not working as well as you thought it would.

As for standing in a mini-tornado of money as a promo for OLG, it would be more appropriate to stand on the very edge of a bottomless precipice with your toes curved around the rim and pour your money into the black void never to be seen again.  Gambling is a global epidemic and can therefore only be interpreted as a foible of all humanity, akin to addiction liability, and has been appropriated by both the criminal factions and also by governments ...  it's sometimes hard to discern between the two, equally guilty of preying upon the afflicted, one doing so because it's easy money and the other doing so because they rely upon it to make ends meet.  The end justifies the means.  You know how that works!