Oak Leaf Rollers? & Grackles
Outdoor Ontario

Oak Leaf Rollers? & Grackles

Napper · 2 · 7256


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Over the last four or five days we have had "Oak Leaf Rollers" hanging on silk like threads from all the trees around our place. There are silk threads everywhere! Is it coincidence that a large group of Grackles are hanging around.   

odd that it is happening this late in the year.
I also spotted a Pine Warbler and a Black and White. Lots of action in the Trees behind the house but these are too small and to fast to ID. Bird Net also identified GC Kinglets.

Napper :) @ the Beach

Interesting site you should check out is https://spaceweather.com/
flkr...http://www.flickr.com/photos/36614671@N06/   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?


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Seeing any warbler behind the house is cool, let alone a Pine warbler, a species that I have not seen (for certain ) in several years.  A wide-field bin works well for warblers but they tend to be from top-brand manufacturers and cost a bundle.  My father had a pair of wide field from Germany that date back to at least the 1940's, or 50's.  They were light-weight and clear as can be.  I dropped them when I was young and careless, which was better than now, old and careless, and the resultant impact cracked the glass.  I wish that I still had them.  Don't know the make.  I really should get myself a pair but then I would have to carry them.  What else am I suppose to carry?  Laden down with too much gear people are liable to think me serious and assume that I know what I'm doing.  I don't even know what that's like.