I have a Robin's nest on a bat box (which i made with way too much interior space to entice a bat, next time I will look up how to build a bat box before I do so) that I hung on the west facing wall of my house. The nest was built in the spring and seemed almost abandoned (is this common?) since sometime in May. I don't exactly know at what point the birds moved back into the nest, but they have three tiny ones in there now that seem to get beigger by the hour. Both the male and female are gathering food for the baies, which i'm assuming is common. The male seem much more agressive in the feeding, not really paying attention to me when I'm watching and the female seems to be warey of my presence. I was just wondering if it is common for them to build a nest and leave it for a while before using it, or if these are not the birds who originally built the nest, and are the males usually there to help in the feeding, and is it not late in the season to be bringing up offspring? Thanks for your help.