I sometimes see them during the day especially if I know the exact spot they are hanging out at because they sometimes spend a few days at a certain spot. For example, a few days in a row, I have observed them in the Queensway Area by the railway tracks on the Toronto side, I have observed them a few days in a row in the Queensway Area but they would be across the Etobicoke Creek on the Mississauga side hanging out in the woodlot to the right of where the Little Etobicoke Creek empties into the Etobicoke Creek, and a few days in a row I observed them hanging out along the Little Etobicoke Creek not far from the Dunwyn Centre. However, I see them mostly in the evening usually from 5:00pm-9:00pm. I have never gone out early morning in this area but it would probably be good. My most recent sighting was on a Sunday about just over 2 weeks ago. I observed the Doe and her Fawn north of Lakeshore, north of the waterfall dam, just north of where the Erosion Control Rocks are. I observed them when it was getting dark. The White Tailed Deer here are used to people and you can get really close to them.