I have been informed that the Toronto Island Wildlife Sanctuary is in the process of being fenced off to bar Birders and other Naturalists from entry.
I sent the following email of protest
Ms McConnell
CC to Mayor Miller
I was just informed last night that a fence is being erected at the Wildlife Sanctuary (behind the water treatment plant) on the Toronto Islands that will bar Birders and Naturalists from entering The Sanctuary.
I want to register a strong protest against this fence.
Why is this being done ? Is it to mask the garbage dump that the Maintenance area has become in the back of The sanctuary ? I know of no problems that have ever occurred because of the use of the area. Large groups of Naturalists and School children use this area for education and enjoyment of things outdoors despite the constant expansion of the junk and garbage heaps into The Sanctuary.
Again I want to protest this fence and to add my name to others that I know are protesting same.
June 2, 2006
Norm Murr
Richmond Hill, ON
If interested in protesting I have included (below) the email addresses of Councillor McConnell and Mayor Miller.