Black/grey squirrels running amuck in Queen's park
Outdoor Ontario

Black/grey squirrels running amuck in Queen's park

-D- · 1 · 1828


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Last Friday (Jan 9th), walking through Queen's park 'round 7pm, one of the trees near the main paths (but out of direct light) was literally crawling with black/grey squirrels.  We counted 20+, both colour phases, on the main trunk, spiraling up/down, and popping in and out of one of the large holes.  Not necessarily frenzied activity, but pretty constant movement.  The grey ones led to a particularly creepy effect, as you could barely see them against the bark - it was like the bark was rippling.  :shock:  I have *never* seen a concentration of squirrels like this on one tree....  (it's too bad it was after dark - the resident RTHs would've loved it...)

I believe they have a January mating season, and my guess is this is part of it?  Was there a lucky female higher up, waiting for the men to sort themselves out?  


  - D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by -D- »