Hi Folks,
To follow up on our above sightings, Frank and I met early today at Rosetta McClain Gardens to watch for more Siskins and Crossbills and sure enough, they didn't disappoint us. A few small flocks of each flew by overhead. Also seen today were a Red-tailed Hawk, Cooper's Hawk, Sharp-shinned Hawk, 2 Peregrine Falcons which called and played together as they flew, several small flocks of Goldfinches, and all the usual winter residents were seen. Also seen in the park was a Red Fox which was probably looking for a squirrel to dine on.
Today was also "day 3" of the Pine Siskins at my nyjer feeder. Started out with 7 birds on Saturday, we're now down to 4 but they are still drivin' in the seed like there's no tomorrow!