Crossbill at Niger Feeder - pictures today
Outdoor Ontario

Crossbill at Niger Feeder - pictures today


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I have never seen these birds before - the White Winged Crossbill but couldn't miss the male's cherry red colour this morning at my NIger feeder, along with all the Goldfinches. What a lovely bird! He was stuffing his face with seed and not bothering anyone although much bigger than they were! What a great sight!
I'm in the Mt. Pleasant and Eglinton area.

He was back this morning so I snapped a few shots. Sorry for the quality - through the living room window and early morning so a bit dark - I pushed the brightness and contrast controls to get a better view. What a lovely creature... ... Feb_09_028 ... Feb_09_027 ... Feb_09_025 ... Feb_09_023 ... Feb_09_022
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by spatsycat »

Bluffs Birder

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Hi Spatsycat,

That's pretty cool that you saw a Crossbill at your nyjer feeder, I didn't know that they could manage such small seed with that crazy bill of theirs.  Don't know if you've seen Pine Siskins before or not but check your first 2 photos again if you haven't, the bird with it's back to the camera looks like it might be a Siskin.  They're Goldfinch size but have dark streaking over their back and breast, also, they have a very narrow pointy beak.  Right now, the city is filled with Pine Siskins and White-winged Crossbills.

Happy Birding!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Bluffs Birder »


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Hi Walter, thanks for the heads-up on the Pine Siskins ... I thought they were either immature Goldfinches or in their winter colouration! There have been oodles of them at the feeder and on the ground underneath. Better pay more attention!! The Juncos often visit on the ground as well as the occasional Mourning Dove. The cardinals have tried but not with much success - they end up out back at the sunflower feeder.

Yes, it's been interesting to watch the Crossbill getting the seed - he actually uses his upper bill and tongue to get the seed out of the tiny slit - has no problem at all and seems pretty calm amongst the frenzied activity of the smaller birds.

Thanks again!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by spatsycat »