Last year we were at Rondeau on the 1st and the migration was definitely in full swing - there were some yet to come as the weather was cool and wet, the Prothonotary had arrived before we got there - we were camped right behind the area where the scissor-tail flycatcher was first spotted, neat bird! (but already on our life lists) If the prothonotary returns ( I hope, I hope) it will still be there the end of the month, might be harder to see as it's chosen area will be more overgrown by then. I have a longer lens this year too, hoping to get better pics of it myself LOL!
...we went back on the 25th, definitely not as busy (less birds but more ppl) and the foliage had "Popped" big time, but we still spend an enjoyable WARM afternoon on the Tulip trail, I have pictures of a catbird, a tanager and Pine warbler, and lots of wildflower shots. I grew up just outside the park, and the majority of birds always arrived early in May as our feeders would be swarmed. Once the warm weather truly hits Kent county everything goes green and tropical very quickly! Rondeau is our favorite park for birding (and camping). ..but I am somewhat biased :-)
...we went up the Huron coast to Point Farms PP for May 24th (again cold and wet) and we had terrific luck with warblers, native sparrows, lots of orioles, red starts, towhee's, tanagers etc - there is abandoned farmland/pasture and orchards which is great habitat. We were figuring the migrants would be making their way up through south central ON and were not disappointed. Better pics than from Rondeau.
This year we are starting at Wheatley for 3 nights then moving to Rondeau (going to take a walk with Steve LaForest this year and maybe the OFO crowd) and then we are trying our luck even farther up the Huron coast to McGregor PP later in the month. sum up our recent experiences, if they want to see a variety of birds they might have better luck heading up the coast of Huron rather than south at the end of May but with the weather so changeable who knows?
The south winds that are (apparently) coming this week may bring a wave of birds in early...or not. (we had snow flakes mixed with the rain yesterday)