Now that i have slowed down enough to smell the roses and see what wild life is actually surrounding me, i have come to realize that i live in a blessed area.
This list is compiled from the last 2 weeks, all viewing came from my window, walking the back yard and bino ing the micro swamp beside the house.
Wildlife--, White tailed deers, Muskrats, Grey squirrel and black morphs, chipmunks, red squirrels, raccoons,V opossum.
Birds-- Great blue heron, Canada goose, wood duck m/f, mallard m/f, ring necked duck m, hooded merganser m,
kingfisher, turkey vulture, osprey, northern harrier, sharp-shinned hawk , coopers hawk, red-tailed hawk ,
America kestrel, merlin, killdeer, ring-billed gull, herring gull, rock dove, mourning dove, red bellied woodpecker
m/f, downey woodpecker m/f, hairy woodpecker m/f, northern flicker, pileated woodpecker, eastern phoebe,
blue jay, American crow, tree swallow, barn swallow, black-capped chickadee, red-breasted nuthatch ,
White breasted nuthatch, brown creeper, wren (verity unknown), eastern bluebird, American robin,
starling, tennessee warbler (maybe), yellow rumped warbler , am tree sparrow, field sparrow, fox sparrow,
song sparrow, dark eyed junco, cardinal m/f, red-winged blackbird m/f, common grackle, brown headed cowbird m/f,
purple finch m/f, house finch m/f, pine siskin, American gold finch m/f, house sparrow m/f, chipping sparrow, white throated sparrow.
i just saw a yellow bellied sap sucker on the white birch that holds my 10 feeders.
Add white throated sparrow as of today
Add F/m ruby throated hummingbird ,grey catbird, F/ Ruby-crowned kinglet , multiple baltimore orioles.
Yellow warbler , White crowned sparrow, M/F rose-breasted grosbeak, Indigo bunting