to day I spent some time butterflying Halls rd south in Whitby come
12 noon thay wear every wear not in big numbers but I did see my
first Monarch for 2009 , a very fresh mail !
also seen Spring Azure 2
Clouded Sulphur 3
Northern Crescent 5
Cabbage White 4
P.S. I am trying to see if the fields south west of Halls rd south
can be mark as a Butterfly area! This is just in the planning. ( my
own ) right now and it will be hard to have the Boy scout trees
removed BUT I think its worth it ,
this is one of the best fields in the GTA for Butterflies migrating
and rearing , I am looking for any records for this area to put
together a list and for backing my cases with the conservation
If you have records please forward them to me at Craig
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Craig McL »
Excuse my spelling and Grammar, I am Dyslexic thank you.