Bird Walk - Sunday September 13th
Outdoor Ontario

Bird Walk - Sunday September 13th

Brian Bailey

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Glenn Coady will be leading a FREE Bird Walk at Colonel Sam Smith Park on Sunday, September 13, from 9:00 - 11:00.

Meet in the main parking lot (were the road ends) at 9:00 am.

This is one of the CCFEW walks.  Click here for more information.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Brian Bailey »
Brian Bailey

What was that?

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I went on one a few month ago and as a beginner to the birding scene found it useful.
However, may I remind people that many other people use the park. Due to the fact that the group blocked the path most of the time (both on the move and when stationery), many other users showed signs of aggravation when trying to pass (including people with pushchairs and cyclists). One person in the group had a bicycle herself and seemed incapable of moving to the side of the path.

We ask for consideration from others (check out the Brickhouse discussion), please show some yourselves.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by What was that? »

The Observer

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Trying to work out if I can attend this walk. I have to use the TTC and Sundays are a challenge since the Kipling bus does not commence until just after 9am.

Any ideas on the best way to get there from Bathurst and Bloor area (501 Queen Streetcar may be the only alternative)?
Is the main south parking lot the one just south of the Kipling bus loop?

I may just go on the more practical Bird Walk in High Park (which is also good) but would prefer Colonel Sam Smith Park as I could benefit from someone showing me where the best birding spots are within the park.

Thanks for any input...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by The Observer »

Brian Bailey

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The 501 streetcar isn't very frequent or predictable west of the Humber loop in off-peak hours (some would say at any time).

The 44 (Kipling) bus is much more reliable, but I'm not sure when it starts on Sundays.  The large parking lot just south of the bus loop is not the south parking lot.  There's another one even further south (and slightly east).  You can follow the path that runs on the east side of the Power House (the building with the tall brick chimney).

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Brian Bailey »
Brian Bailey

The Observer

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Thank you so much for this... Kipling bus doesn't start until 9am... looks like it is going to be High Park Bird Walk for me. Will try for October 17th at Colonel Sam Smith's since it's on a Saturday when the TTC wakes up earlier (smile).

Big thanks!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by The Observer »

Bird Brain

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Quote from: "The Observer"
Sundays are a challenge
It seems that Sunday bus service sucks everywhere, even out here in Mississauga - starts up late and finishes early.   :shock:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Bird Brain »
Jo-Anne :)

"If what you see by the eye doesn't please you, then close your eyes and see from the heart".

The Observer

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How did the walk go on Sunday?!

Birds for the High Park walk were Qui-et! Very grateful to those who showed themselves: Great Egrets, Great Blue Heron, the juvenile Black-crowned Night Heron on a branch (that I would NEVER have seen without the eye of others) and Wood Ducks (only one fully coloured male with the rest either young or in a spring-like eclipse plumage????). Some good people, lessons and tips along the way which made all the difference!

Hope yours was enjoyable!

And Graham... thanks for the reminder about showing consideration while we are out there. A good attitude goes a long way... organized walk or not!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by The Observer »