Good evening folks.
Today I decided to again head down to The Toronto Islands and again I joined Margaret Liubavicius for a beatiful day on The Islands.
The morning started out cool, then led to nice and warm, then to hot in the sun but it didn't sem to bother the birds anymore than it did us as we casually strolled along and enjoyed the birds. We found 77 species today including the following species, some new for the season and some just nice to see.
Horned Grebe, Great Egret, Common Goldeneye, 2 Osprey, Sharp-shinned hawk, Common Terns, 2 Black-billed Cuckoos, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, 4 Belted Kingfishers, 8 Flycatcher species, including 7 Eastern wood-Pewee, 4 Yellow-bellied Flycatchers, 22 Least Flycatchers, Great crested Flycatchers, and 8 Eastern Phoebes, 3 Philadelphia Vireos, 18 Red-eyed Vireos, Wood and Swainson's Thrushes, Winter Wren, 8 Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, 21 Warbler species, including Tennessee, 76 Magnolia, Cape May, Black-throated blue, Black-throated green, Blackburnian, 6 Palm, 14 Bay-breasted, Blackpoll, 32 American Redstarts, 10 Northern Waterthrush, 1 Lousiana Waterthrush, 1 male Connecticut, 11 Wilson's and Canada Warblers,.
Needless to say we enjoyed the outing and for once we met another birder down there that informed us that he had found an Osprey as he got off the ferry at Wards, a female Connecticut Warbler at the east end of Wards and a couple of Ovenbirds, which we missed.