Prince Edward County Swans
Outdoor Ontario

Prince Edward County Swans

Tyler · 1 · 2442


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 210
Well the annual late Fall Tundra Swan Build up has started in prince edward county.

AT wellington harbour (outlet of west lake) there were 26 Tundra Swans with the 60+ Mutes
Also Present was 1 lesser black-backed Gull, a late cormorant, Hooded mergansers

Just to the west in pleasant bay there were 50+ Tundra Swans intermingling with the 50+ Mutes there.

The county was rather quiet in the rain. not much seen alive or dead (botulism study i work on)
1 Little Gull on east lake
1 Eastern Bluebird at point Petre
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Tyler »