Today was another fantastic day of raptor watching at Rosetta McClain Gardens. At 11:45am,Carol and I saw a juvenile Golden Eagle. It was very low and very close to us. It barely cleared a ridge of trees along the side of the bluffs,and just above eyelevel no more then 50ft away we spotted it. I hollered EAGLE! and immediately as it flared up,GOLDEN EAGLE. We clearly saw the tail and "armpit" markings. It circled infront of us,and we had spectacular views of it. Eventually it came back gaining a great deal of height. Ron Pittaway was first to spot a juvenile Northern Goshawk,which came low and was definetly on a hunting run into the park. Our final total of 239raptors included:
Bald Eagle................1
Northern Harrier.......26
Sharpshinned Hawk..126
Coopers Hawk............2
Northern Goshawk......1
Broadwinged Hawk.....1
Redtailed Hawk..........1
Golden Eagle..............1
American Kestrel........69
Peregrine Falcon.........1
This brings my season total to 1467.(112 of which were in August)
Tomorrow is shaping up to be another excellent day. Grab your binoculars and head for your favorite raptor watch site!
Also of interest we saw a waterspout out over Lake Ontario.