Todays weather was perfect..eventually for a great raptor flight. We were begging for some clouds at first,and Ive no doubt we missed some birds in the blue blue sky,though we did our best. Todays final tally was 471,which put me way past last falls final year total of 3042. My current total is 3384 for 2006! Much thanks to Rodger and Jane,Lyn,Tim and Carol,for their help today,spotting and almost keeping me sane. I surpassed 300 Northern Harriers for the season,and have seen more Sharpshinned Hawks then all of last fall(1667 vs 1618),with adults yet to come in the coming weeks of October. Todays final tally of 471 included:
Turkey Vulture.........................186
Bald Eagle..................................5
Northern Harrier.........................22
Sharpshinned Hawk..................155
Coopers Hawk............................9
Northern Goshawk......................2
Broadwinged Hawk....................45
Redtailed Hawk.........................25
American Kestrel........................15
Peregrine Falcon.........................1
Again we had a terrific look at a juvenile Northern Goshawk. Turkey Vultures were to the north so Ive no doubt we missed a few,but with everyone working hard,we had a terrific day.
We had one 3rd year Bald Eagle,one adult and 3 juveniles. While many birds were very close we had many high ones today,and even Turkey Vutures out over the lake.