Rosetta Raptor Report:A Day Of Milestones
Outdoor Ontario

Rosetta Raptor Report:A Day Of Milestones


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 417
Though my count wasnt as high as Id hoped for today,I did reach several milestones and see good birds. The milestones first...I saw Northern Harrier number 400 today,Sharpshinned Hawk number 2000 and Raptor number 4000 today!  Totals not previously counted at Rosetta McClain Gardens before.
  MidOctober Totals look like this
Turkey Vulture........................2.........................61........................274..........
Bald Eagle...............................0..........................4..........................42...........
Northern Harrier.......................8........................85..........................404..........
SharpShinned Hawk................36......................348........................2015..........
Coopers Hawk..........................3.......................27...........................84.........
Northern Goshawk....................0........................3.............................8..........
Red-shouldered Hawk................0........................0.............................0.........
Broadwinged Hawk...................0.......................10..........................225.......
Redtailed Hawk........................1.......................46..........................131.......
Rough-legged Hawk..................0........................0.............................0.......
Golden Eagle............................1........................1.............................2.......
American Kestrel.......................0......................23..........................653.....
Peregrine Falcon.......................0......................10.............................52.....

The highlight of today was easily the adult Golden Eagle,which I spotted out over the lake abit at a distance,around 1025am. We had at least a 5minute view of it. Immediately I started fumbling through my napsack for my camera hoping the eagle would get closer. I soon remembered DOH DOH!! that I had my camera around my neck. I finally got the camera focus on the Golden Eagle when it went behind the big Poplar tree atop the ridge....I have a lovely photo of the Poplar tree...oops. It then popped up and along the side of the bluffs almost right beside Keith and I. It was Keiths first Golden Eagle,and it passed within 30ft of us,at almost eye level! What a view. After I got a blurry shot of the eagle,I gave up and just watched it with binoculars. What a beauty!! Keith was very happy,and couldnt believe how close it had passed.  With luck I will get another photo opportunity like that. Im told from October 20th onward the Golden Eagles start to fly in greater numbers.
  Of note we also saw 10 Bonaparte's Gulls flying together low over the water and a Greater Black-backed Gull that tried hard to be a late Osprey.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by BIGFRANK »