Rosetta McClain Raptor Watch 232 Raptors
Outdoor Ontario

Rosetta McClain Raptor Watch 232 Raptors


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 417
As Norm mentions in his post about High Park sightings,today was a terrific day for raptor watching. Gunner,Colin,Carol and myself enjoyed some wonderful sightings of 12 of the regularily seen raptors. A juvenile Northern Goshawk gave us great views. 3 of the 4 Red-shouldered Hawks seen today also flew by allowing us clear views of their field marks. Several male Northern Harriers were seen very well. A Merlin did magic flew in plain view giving us a chance to observe it well,banked and headed towards some thinning trees,giving us the illusion of watching it through the tree branches,as we followed it through the branches...or so we thought. Coming out of the trees 3 of us thought we were still watching the Merlin zoom out,when we realized the Merlin had changed into a Northern Flicker. It clearly had spooked the Flicker and contiuned on out of sight...the Flicker emerging in its place.  Eat your heart out Kris Angel!  As the day was winding down,at 3:55pm Colin and mine's (oh wouldnt my highschool english teacher love me) patience was rewarded with an immature Golden Eagle,the 5th of the season seen at Rosetta McClain Gardens.  Todays totals included
Turkey Vulture........................3
Bald Eagle...............................1
Northern Harrier.....................20(ytd 450)
Sharpshinned Hawk...............127
Coopers Hawk..........................6(ytd 101)
Northern Goshawk.....................1
Redshouldered Hawk..................4
Redtailed Hawk.........................62
Golden Eagle..............................1
American Kestrel........................4(ytd 668)
Peregrine Falcon.........................1
Year to Date,4582 raptors have been counted.
Also seen today were thousands of migrating Red-winged Blackbirds and Robins. At least 15 Common Loons flew over the park,and we observed at least 40 on the lake among many Mergansers,Cormorants and Gulls all involved in a feeding frenzy.
  Again concurring with Norm,the next few days look excellent for raptor migration..get out and enjoy these amazing birds!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by BIGFRANK »