One of the long time Zoo workers Toby used to do a bit on local public television. He called it Urban Safari where he showed people around the zoo. I sort of took up that saying and it really is true. Within Toronto there is a ton of wildlife. At least 3 kinds of Squirrels(only 2 species),Chipmunks,a few species of Bats,Cottontailed Rabbitts,Muskrat,Beaver,Mink,White-tailed Deer,Coyote,Red Fox,Groundhogs,recently Oppossum,many kind of Turtles,a few species of Snakes,Skunks,the occassional Black Bear and assorted rodents. Throw in some Butterflys and interesting insects,in addition to the 300-400 bird species we all search for and I truely believe Urban Safari is a very fitting description.