Hummingbird and GBH - Brickworks
Outdoor Ontario

Hummingbird and GBH - Brickworks

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i spent an hour looking for the hummingbird....ended up seeing it on my final pass-by for about 15 seconds. Managed to get three pictures of it. none great, but hey, at least i saw it without using a feeder or food to lure it.

also watched a funny great blue heron fish on one of the artificial islands they're installing in the Brickworks.

other than a winter trip to Costa Rica or me finding time this Sunday to go to Cranberry Marsh, this will probably be my best pic of a hummingbird this year :) oh well....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by »


  • Old Timer
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    • Posts: 670
Way to stick with it lol at least you saw it...I counted 7 Hummers 2 days ago at Ashbridges Bay but went back twice and have not seen any...of course they were movning to fast to get a pic!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Niloc »
"To be a better nature photographer, be a better naturalist.The more you know about nature,the more you will see to photograph. Develop a deeper compassion for the world around us, and live by an ethic of concern for the subject matter."

John Shaw