Hi ,5 brave PBC birders left early saturday morning for a birding trip to Algonquin in the light snow. We had quite a good day and here are the highlights.
1 female Black-backed Woodpecker just north of Opeongo Road Gate not even 20metres from us on the road and 5m up a tree!!, also in this area spotted a Boreal chickadee with a flock of Black capped chickadees and 1 solitary Pine Grosbeak.
100 Evening Grosbeaks at the Visitor Center feeders ,never seen so many and so beautiful ,also seen were a female purple finch and a common redpoll.
Found Red crossbills at a few locations ,sometimes mixed in with White-winged Crossbills which we found all through the park and singing beautifully ,we had great scope looks at both species thanks to Len.
Common Ravens ,gray jays and red breasted nuthatch were some of the other northern birds seen. Also flying away over the higway saw 2 hawks ,not 100% on identification but were probably rough-legged by the size and shape.
The Spruce Bog was a disapointment as we looked there 3 times for American Three toed woodpeckers which had been seen in the morning and also Spruce grouse.
Now we have a reason to go back to find these 2 and the ever elusive Moose
Algonquin photos if like to see are here