Made an early trip to Hall's Rd. this morning hoping for the Barred Owl. No luck with the Owl but did see the usual Rough-leggeds (2 light morph), 1 Harrier (male) as well as 2 of the 16 Red-Tails from the trip to and from Toronto. An adult Cooper's Hawk made an appearance at the main feeder and two Trumpeter Swans were 'trumpeting' over the marsh.
From there I headed over to Thickson's Woods to find a Great-Horned Owl I had been told about and ended up finding a pair. Just as I was heading out an adult Bald Eagle flew over in the direction of the Whitby Harbour (where there had been a report of an Eagle taking a gull earlier this week). Also had two more Northern Harriers (female), another adult Cooper's and a Northern Mockingbird in the field opposite the woods.
Wildlife: Check the wildlife forum for Coyote pictures from Lakeridge Rd. North of the 401.