No shorebird habitat anymore at Blenheim Sewage Lagoons, but a nice assortment of waterfowl (lots and lots of Ruddy Ducks) and Wilson's Phalarope, Rusty Blackbirds and a Bald Eagle passing by at close range as today's highlight.
Complete Checklist:
2 Gadwall
20 Mallard
20 Northern Shoveler
10 Ring-necked Duck
100 Lesser Scaup
10 Bufflehead
500 Ruddy Duck
1 Pied-billed Grebe
50 Turkey Vulture
1 Bald Eagle
1 Northern Harrier
10 American Coot
1 Wilson's Phalarope
200 Ring-billed Gull
10 European Starling
10 Rusty Blackbird