At the same time if somebody post photo's that are not their own, they should state as much in the post so there can be no confusion.
Thank you for this extremely important line. A point that seems to lost to some people.
Unfortunately, some people react to every single thing as a personal affront.
Halton Hills decided my message was directed to him personally, and then proceed to make
derogatory remarks which I asked in PM to remove. I _DID_NOT_ call him a thief, he applied that himself.
The point is simply, SOMEONE (not anyone in particular), already decided to steal Mr Komi's picture, and forward it to everyone in his mailing list. The theft of intellectual property has already occurred prior to "Halton Hills" ever receiving his email.
The Lesson I was trying to impart was "A copyright notice right in the image prevents people from ripping you off" - Taking your image without permission = "ripped off", which was exactly what happened to Mr Komi. Halton Hills simply gave me a good example to refer to.
This other implication of making money, getting rich, being dumber than a monkey, is simply someone jumping to conclusions.