East Point Park, April 30
Outdoor Ontario

East Point Park, April 30

ralf · 1 · 2948


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The number of Warblers was low this morning at East Point Park, Scarborough, but I found a Palm Warbler and a Northern Waterthrush in the scrubby vegetation, and a Black-and-white Warbler in one of the large trees near the edge of the bluffs. Near the pond an Eastern Kingbird was present.
Other sightings include a lot of White-troated Sparrows, 2 Cedar Waxwings, 1 Field Sparrow, 1 Northern Mockingbird, 4 Brown Thrashers, 3 Eastern Towees and some Ruby-crowned Kinglets.

Ralf Verdonschot
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by ralf »