Good day
I noticed that no one has posted about the Wigeon today so I thought I would mention that Andrew Jano and I and a couple of other birders saw the Eurasian Wigeon in the southeast corner of Second Marsh this morning.
We also saw 22 species of Waterfowl including Ring-necked, Ruddy, Wood, both Teal, all 3 Mergansers, Common Loons, Pied-billed Grebes, and Shovelers. We also saw a Moorhen, 30+ little Gulls among the 100+ Bonaparte's Gulls, Trumpeter Swan, House and Winter Wrens, the usual birds as well as Pine, Palm, Nashville and Yellow-rumped Warblers and a Northern Waterthrush. Altogether 64 species in that small area.
We were also told about a Gray Catbird and Sedge Wren sighting.
Good birding, good weather and good company.
If driving east from Toronto on Hwy 401 then exit at Farewell Street (Exit 419) and drive south to Colonel Sam Drive.
If planning to bird the west side of the marsh then continue on Farewell Street to Harbour Street, park on the east side of Farewell at the entrance of the paved foot trail and then follow it to the marsh.
If planning to bird the east side then turn left, east on Colonel Sam Drive and drive to the General Motors Head Office parking lot. Park at the northwest corner of the lot and follow the grassy trail from that corner to the viewing tower.
The trail from the tower runs north into the woods to another viewing tower with another view of the marsh and of the surrounding woods and wet area.