Rob and I have been birding for a few years now, but it's only the last year or so that we started to venture out with groups like the CCEWF or organized walks like the ones at Riverwood through out the year. Yesterday we took it a step further and went out with a new company over Nanticoke/Fisherville way to look for Bald Eagles and Owls. I was really excited when I heard about them, because Rob isn't a fan of long drives, even when we go to Algonquin we stay over, so this was perfect. It was more relaxing for him because he didn't have to drive and it was fun to be with a group of like minded individuals. We plan on doing more trips with them in the future. It was another "hat trick" day for me, with 3 lifers; Tufted Titmouse, Short-eared Owls (4), and a Glaucous Gull. I was thrilled for Rob when he got to see his first Bald Eagle! At one point we had 7 flying over head. It was an awesome trip. If your interested in checking them out their website is had an awesome time!