With the arrival of spring migration I'm calling it quits for the feeders in the park for this year. I might keep a single sun-flower seed feeder in the park for another month or so, and I will continue to keep an eye on the feeder area during my bird walks throughout the spring (see here:
http://outdoorontario.net/birds/phpBB/v ... php?t=7808, and my blog).
It's been an interesting experience running these feeders, and I want to thank everybody who came by and supported me. However, I must admit that the commitment was somewhat exhausting. Would be great to find a partner in the area to share the work load for next winter.
The long staying White-crowned and White-throated Sparrows are still visiting the area (seen today), and new visitors are arriving every day (Song Sparrows, Fox Sparrows, American Tree Sparrows etc.).