News from "the church" -wood ducks, phoebe, purple
Outdoor Ontario

News from "the church" -wood ducks, phoebe, purple

Julia · 1 · 3074


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Came back from four days at the "cottage" (actually an old church north of Madoc off 62).

Chickadees and blue jays were all over the place.  "My" flock of Evening Grosbeaks came by the feeder every day, as did my white -breasted nuthatch.  We also had at least three pairs of purple finches come by regularly, I've only ever seen one before, and only once.  Hairy and downy woodpeckers came by to pick at the remnants of the suet cage, and I saw one yellow-bellied sapsucker, and a few Northern Flickers.

The first day saw ruby-crowned kinglets, and I actually saw one flash his ruby crown while they were chasing each other around.  I didn't know it could be so distinct.  Up until this point I had been referring to them as "lack-of-ruby-crowned" kinglets.  I guess they were just moving through, though, as after the first day I didn't see any.  

As for migrants, White thoated sparrows were out, and I saw one Eastern Phoebe, and the chipping and song sparrows were back.

Number one highlight, I was hanging a new feeder around the side and came back to the front to get some scissors to cut the rope, and there was a pair of wood ducks perched about thirty feet up in the tree out front.  I mean, I *know* they nest in trees and all, but it's just such a stretch of the imagination.  Ducks.  In a tree.  I tried to get my camera, but when they saw me they took off.  I was all giddy.   They are one of my favourite birds.  If they didn't exist and one was to invent them, it could only be in the context of science fiction.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Julia »
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