Spent the early afternoon at riverwood today seeing what was around:
a big fat groundhog
1 deer with her very young fawn, letting me get very close
1 big garter and 1 tiny brown snake
green frogs and all sizes of toads
eastern tiger swallowtail
little wood satyr
hobomok skipper
european skipper
peck's skipper
silver-spotted skipper (very cool looking, looks like something from the tropics)
emerald spreadwing
eastern forktail
various bluets
sedge sprite
green darner
eastern pondhawk
blue dasher
ruby/white-faced/cherry-faced meadowhawk
common whitetail (everywhere)
four-spotted skimmer
lots of other insects, such as fly that looked just like a completely black house fly bigger than a bumblebee!, all sorts of wasps and a bunch of these guys:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ctenucha_virginica (or a similar species?, don't know if there are any around here)