The next generation of Canon DSLR
Outdoor Ontario

The next generation of Canon DSLR

Michael Tam

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    • Posts: 231
To be respectful to the Canon "die-hard" through creating a parallel topics, this is the next generation of Canon EOS 5D Mark III with 22 MB CMOS full-frame sensor, a frame rate of 6 fps, ISO 100-25,600 standard and 61 point AF system:

For the pro-oriented DSLR body, this is the all new flag-ship Canon EOS 1D X with 18 MB CMOS full-frame sensor together with a frame rate of 12 fps: ... x-overview

One can see the similar pattern as compared to the differences between the Nikon D800 and D4 DSLR bodies in the Canon offerings.

Good birding and photography.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Michael Tam

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    • Posts: 231
To learn more on the exciting new generation of Canon DSLRs, the following article offers further description of the Canon EOS 5D Mark III full-frame body: ... mkiiiA.HTM

For the Canon EOS 1D X pro full-frame body, please read the following article below: ... n-1dxA.HTM

Good birding and photography.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Michael Tam

  • Old Timer
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    • Posts: 231
For the Canon shooters, one must not neglect the all new Canon 5D Mark III full-frame DSLR.  The following article is an in-depth review of this new body that may help you with your decision, "to buy or not to buy"......that is the question:

Good birding and photography.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »