Base of the Spit (Tommy Thompson Park) This Evening - 4 May
Outdoor Ontario

Base of the Spit (Tommy Thompson Park) This Evening - 4 May

Bruce · 1 · 2982


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Hi Everyone -

Another glorious evening for birding.  Numbers were down compared with the last few days, but such was the pleasure of being out that I didn't really mind.  Highlights in the wet woods included:

- Great Crested and Least Flycatcher
- Nashville (2), Palm (3-5), B&W (1), YR Warbler (5-10)
- Warbling Vireo
- 2 unusually close BG Gnatcatchers (they were probably eyeing-up the huge swarm of flies over my head!)
- 25-35 White Throated Sparrows (nowhere near as many as yesterday), 4-8 White-Crowned, a few Chipping and Savannah and 1 or 2 Lincoln's and Swamp
- Ruby-Crowned Kinglet (5-10)
- Brown Thrasher
- Rose-Breasted Grosbeak
- Hermit Thrush
- Woodcock

Good Birding!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Bruce »