I had a pretty productive few hours around noon today at Erindale Park. The highlight was a very early American Rubyspot along the river.
Other odes included:
Ebony Jewelwing (10)
Powdered Dancer (30)
Taiga Bluet (1)
Enallagama Sp. (1)
Eastern Forktail (80)
Fragile Forktail (15)
Swamp Darner (1)
Common Green Darner (4)
Common Whitetail (20)
Twelve-spotted Skimmer (40)
Four-spotted Skimmer (1)
I also had a Rusty Snaketail here about a week ago.
Butterflies included:
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (15)
Cabbage White (30)
Orange Sulphur (3)
Silvery Blue (4)
Azure sp. (2) Any input on what species these should be is welcome.
Question Mark (30)
American Lady (1)
Red Admiral (6)
Little Wood-satyr (30)
Common Ringlet (10)
Monarch (10)
Juvenal's Duskywing (5) I'd appreciate comments on the attached photo, I believe it is a pale Juvenal's
Least Skipper (40)
European Skipper (1)
Hobomok Skimmer (15)
Other sightings:
Eight-spotted Forester
Stoneflies - only a few adults seen, but the rocks in the river were covered with exuviae
Garter and Brown Snakes, Painted Turtle, American Toad including many tadpoles, Green Frog
Black-billed Cuckoo
4 Swallow Sp.