Wasn't sure where to post this....but I have a ruby throated hummingbird trapped in my garage.
The problem is that the garage has very high ceilings and the bird is flying at ceiling height. When the garage doors are open they of course lay flat at about half the height of garage. We're undergoing renovations and between us and contractor, the garage is packed full and high with heavy stuff (furniture, building materials). This doesn't give the bird much space to fly low. It's not flying below a foot from the ceiling and so can't see the way out through the open garage doors. I've placed bottles of red cream soda around in the hope it'll be lured down and then find it's way out but it isn't working.
Suggesions ? Concerns or ideas of how to make it's stay more comfortable ? I'm not even sure where I could hang a feeder to get some food into even....
Thanks in advance.