I was doing a dragonfly survey for Rouge Park last Sunday, May 27th. We observed and counted 17 species:
Northern/Vernal bluet (lots!! most of the ones we caught we ided with ours lens)
Taiga bluet (M/F) my favorite bluet!
Marsh bluet
Boreal bluet
Eastern forktail (lots too!)
Fragile forktail
Sedge sprite
Amber-winged spreadwing (freshly emerged)
Common green darner
Dot-tailed whiteface
Common whitetail (M/F)
Beaverpond baskettail
Eastern pondhawk only females seen
Eastern amberwing
Widow skimmer ( all freshly emerged)
Twelve-spotted skimmer
Four-spotted skimmer
I also came across and startled a deer. It was a few feet away from me. I heard and saw several species of frogs: green ,tree frog, and leopard. And the highlight was the Arctic Skipper that I spotted in two different locations. All in all, a great day!
Arctic Skipper by
Gary Yankech, on Flickr
Gary Yankech