Had 7 robins , a blue jay and a male red cardinal drinking water at our heated splash pool located on the deck railing - at the same time . Quite a sight - will keep my camera handy . The robins appear in good shape and are feeding well on berries in the area, judging by the large amount of droppings around the pool .
Also having goldfinches, house finches,chicadees, downy and hairy woodpeckers, juncos, house sparrows and cardinals, at the feeders.
A coopers hawk makes daily passes through the yard and sometimes perches on a feeder.
Our resident mockingbird may be a victim .
About 20 deer mug for fruit and veg handouts behind the PetroCan fence on Orr road in Clarkson . Sometimes they balance on their back legs to strip off upper leaves from small trees . One male sports only 1 side of his antlers .