I can move the photos if required.
We birded the Strathroy lagoons yesterday, and the heavy rain held off for us, making it a very pleasant wander.
I have little experience with sandpipers-- there were Solitary and Spotted in the southeast corner, and accompanying them was a little reddish-backed 'piper.
Western? Semi-Palmated? Legs were darkish, but not quite as dark as the bill, IMO. I only got one close-ish photo, which is rather dim:
and one with a Solitary for size comparison:
Also in evidence were Mallards, Wood Ducks, Canada Geese, Rough-winged and Barn Swallows, Chimney Swifts, several Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, Waxwings, abundant Goldfinches and Sparrows, and a Great Blue Heron. Oh, and an Empidonax Flycatcher of uncertain provenance... Alder?
Thanks in advance for any help.