Yesterday (Wednesday) was yet another one of those beautiful winter days, perfect for photographing birds! For us, there were many unexpected sightings and photo opportunities presented and here are a few of the high points of the day... in chronological order. Enjoy
As soon as we got out of the car and walked to the river, we ran into this guy.
Great Blue Heron - James Gardens - 2013-02-13
We then went to the feeder to try our luck at spotting the infamous Green Finch. But no luck.
Instead, this little guy showed up... It kind-a looks green.
American Goldfinch - James Gardens - 2013-02-13
Heading back to the parking lot, we spotted a Hawk near the duck pond. He/she was flying from tree to tree and eventually landed right next to us!
Red-tailed Hawk? - James Gardens - 2013-02-13
To end the day we visited Bluffer's Park to see the Trumpeters and the Pintail. The Pintail did not show up this time. Thx Cosmo, the swans are gorgeous!
Trumpeter Swan - 2013-02-13
Thx for looking