Paucity of Passerines, Plane-tree Ponderings, and Perfidy?
Outdoor Ontario

Paucity of Passerines, Plane-tree Ponderings, and Perfidy?

norman · 2 · 1563


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Woodbine Park (Coxwell-Lakeshore East) was creepily quiet today ... on the bright side of the situation, "Fast Eddie" the mockingbird was spotted 17 October, which could very well mean he's tossing about the idea of holding the park for the winter -- lots of shrub roses, staghorn sumach, dogwood spp. and other winter menu items. I will be visiting more often over the next while to verify.

There was no evidence of successful breeding there this summer, but that will likely change over the next few seasons (there were two others around earlier this year -- the male left in quite a hurry after a nasty encounter with Eddie, and the female disappeared after about a week in late May).

An earlier post referred to Platanus occidentalis, the American Sycamore=American Plane-tree ... there are (were?) two magnificent specimens at the entrance to the Gerstein Library on the UT campus, as well as a few in East End parks (must check notes) ... I noticed a row of medium-sized units on Booth Ave. between Eastern and Lakeshore East.

Finally, is symbiotic mutualism in trouble? You decide: ... n_dead_end
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by norman »
"If John Denver wasn\'t already dead, I guess I\'d have to kill him."


  • Old Timer
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lol that;s hilarious Norman.  Nice post  :D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Jaedon »