The "Algonquin Birding Report" from ONTBirds just arrived and obviously I was always in the wrong location this week because I didn't see most of the birds reported in that email. As a matter of fact, birding for me was so bad up there I started shooting Dragonflies yesterday and I need some help.
These two shots are of the same bug that I followed from one perch to another. I thought it was a Meadowhawk of some sort but looking at the amber patches at the base of the wings I can't find it in my book. I took these shots along the logging road that forks off from Opeongo.
The next two are different bugs but I assume they are the female version of the species above. They were photographed a few minutes after the Dragonfly above.
I know this is a Darner and guessing Canada Darner??? Of course it could be a Lake or Shadow Darner but I don't think it is a Green-striped Darner since the thoracic stripes appear to be blue, not green. I took this along the Spruce Bog trail.
I I took this shot on Wednesday near Wolf Howl Pond.