At first I thought the whitish part was maybe something stuck in that small branch, but I think that branch has to be on the other side of the bird, so that can't be. The pattern of the pale parts is consistent with it being whitish coverts and primaries of the left wing. There's a slight bit of grey on the head that could well be a lighting effect, but it appears to be an overcast day, so I doubt there would be any big patches of strong light reflection.
As for what to call the condition, from my small amount of research, I still like "Leucism". It is a general term for a lack of colour pigment. Clearly, a crow with a white wing is lacking some pigment. I'm not a biologist, so I don't know which pigment is absent (although melanin seems like a pretty good guess).
I know there are a variety of other pigment abnormalities with specific names as well. I have seen House Finches and Rose-breasted Grosbeaks that have yellow in place of the red. That condition has a name too, but I probably couldn't pronounce it even if I could remember it.