Vegas Birds
Outdoor Ontario

Vegas Birds


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A few sample from my recent trip to Las Vegas. These photos were taken between Dec 10 and Dec 12, 2013. The complete list is here:

1. Verdin

2. American White Pelican

3.Great-tailed Grackle

4. Great Egret - Not sure if the egg belongs to her or not.

5. A Northern Mockingbird

6. Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron by Dinusaur, on Flickr

7. Black Phoebe

Black Phoebe by Dinusaur, on Flickr

8. Northern Pintail

Northern Pintail by Dinusaur, on Flickr

9. Pied Grebe

Pied Grebe by Dinusaur, on Flickr

10. Ruddy Duck

Ruddy Duck by Dinusaur, on Flickr

11. And the rest of the water birds are here.

Assembly of water fowls by Dinusaur, on Flickr
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »