So, I've lost a few Squirrels out back since Christmas. I know some will be saddened by this, others will praise whatever is taking them out. I don't get too upset even if I have a little posse of them I like, because there's a lot of them running around the neighbourhood. Anyways, first one I found, just a foot and tail. And up in a tree nearby was one very large Red-tailed Hawk. I suspect that's who just ate the Squirrel.
The next few,only feet I found, once a tail elsewhere, but no Hawk. And I chalk it up to the same bird. So odd it's always one foot and tail remaining.
Well, this past Friday morning I am out back not long after 7am and found this on my picnic table. Sorry for the visual.

I was outside filling feeders and baths shortly after 11pm the evening before, and the remains were not there.
So, sometime overnight, but most likely in the first light of day on Friday, something caught this Squirrel and ate it on our picnic table. Its kinda funny really, having its breakfast on the table.
Anyways, I suspect the Red-tail again even though it's been a while since I've seen it. But I wonder with how early this catch/eat was. I know it's lighter earlier now but still. Once again, tail, one leg/foot and some back skin and fur are the remains. I did find the detached skull nearby on Saturday.
I've shared this on social media. It's 50/50 with responses, betting on the Red-tail or possibly a Great Horned Owl (I've seen a GHOW around the corner from our home in last few years).
I chalk it up as a little mystery and while I will never know exactly who did this, it makes for some good conversation. Any takers on this? If for nothing but discussion.