Last couple of week-ends a few of us ventured out to a little marshy area up north and was rewarded with a wide variety of bird species including but not limited to Bald Eagles, Ospreys, GBH, Night Herons, Green Herons, Northern Flicker, Belted Kingfisher, Eastern Kingbird, wood ducks, Eastern Phoebe, Gnatcatchers, Common Yellowthroats, Yellow warblers, Waxwings just to name a few. It is an amazing place; similar to Carden Alvar as far as varieties are concerned. Here are some not-so-great photos from that area.
1. Young Eagles trying out their wings
2. While their mother waits on a branch below and looking at the GBH nests
3. Young GBHs waiting for their mother to regurgitate; I hope that the little one in the middle gets its fare share.
4. Gnatcatcher Family
5. Black-crowned Night Heron
6. As mother Osprey eats the baby looks on