It was lovely to arrive at the Wet Woods today and be greeted by a chorus of song! It was especially nice to hear a few new voices. Fresh arrivals today included an Eastern Pheobe, a Rusty Blackbird (hanging out with an assortment of other blackbirds near the parking lot), Northern Flicker, and lots of Golden-crowned Kinglets. I also managed to flush 7 American Woodcock, which were first reported on the weekend.
Over at Ashbridges Bay where I bumped into my friend Lynn, we found a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and a beautiful Fox Sparrow digging in the leaves. Both were in the wooded area at the east edge of the marina. I didn't have enough time to explore the rest of the park so not sure what other treats I may have missed.
Rusty Blackbird; ebird i.d. by
Kris Ito, on Flickr